Friday, February 22, 2013

Winter Stew with Rice

Well it is definitely apparent that school is in full swing!  I have had very little time to cook or bake new recipes, but we are in our second snow day so I had a little extra time to whip up a hearty meal to get me through the cold!  This was my very first stew, without a recipe I might add, and it turned out great!  It's a quick meal to put on the stove and makes the house smell wonderful!


4 oz brown rice
1/2 cup frozen peas
1/2 pound ground beef
1 stick celery, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
1/2 sweet potato, diced
1 can diced tomatoes
1/4 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1/4 bell pepper, chopped
2 bay leaves


1. Brown meat in pan.  Once brown, add chopped vegetables and cook for approximately 5 minutes on medium heat.
2. Add can tomatoes and bay leaves.  Allow to simmer on low heat for 60-70 minutes.

3. Cook brown rice according to manufacturer directions.  Add frozen peas for additional nutrition 5 minutes before rice is due to be cooked.
4. Divide rice between two plates and top with stew.
5. Enjoy with a glass of Argentinian Malbec!

Serves 2-3 people


- I used a can of tomatoes with added jalapeños to add an extra kick to the meal.
- Like usual, use as many or as little vegetables as you wish.
- Brown rice will take longer than white rice, however is healthier due to the higher fiber content.

Bon appétit!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Spaghetti with Almonds and Kale

Now that Christmas is over, it is time to get back to talking about real food, not just yummy desserts!

After spending two fantastic weeks with my parents, it was time to get back to reality of alarm clocks and where the cooking and laundry is completed by yours truly.  I decided to make pasta last night, and with a little inspiration from my trusty sidekick, Pinterest, I whipped up a healthy vegetarian dish filled with great nutrients which for many were in short supply during the holidays.


5 oz dried pasta
1/2 bunch of kale, chopped
2 carrots, chopped
2 sticks celery, chopped
1/4 cup almonds
1/4 onion, finely chopped
1/4 bell pepper, chopped
1 clove garlic, smashed
3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)


1. Cook pasta in salted water until al dente.
2. Approximately 10 minutes before pasta is due to be ready, heat EVOO in large saucepan.  Once hot, add carrots, celery, onion, bell pepper, and garlic.  Continually stir to prevent burning until ingredients are soft.
3. Add kale to saucepan and cook for approximately 5 minutes until tender.
4. Drain pasta, keeping 1/2 cup of the pasta water.  Add pasta, almonds, and pasta water to the vegetables.  Stir and cover saucepan and allow to cook on low for 5-7 minutes.

5. Serve warm with pepper and a sprinkle of cheese to taste.
(Recipe adapted from

Serves 2 people


- Be sure to wash all vegetables before chopping them.  Discard tough stems of kale and wash  thoroughly in a colander under warm water.  
- For a little spice to this dish, add Louisiana hot sauce!

Bon appétit!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Mince Pies

Happy Christmas and New Year to all!  

During this time of year, baking is a huge tradition in my family.  Mince pies are a typical English food made for Christmas and New Year and are adored by all.  Traditionally, these pies were made with chopped meat, however this was replaced with a mixture of dried fruit, spices, nuts, suet, and alcohol (brandy or rum) in the 17th century.  British children leave these pies, along with a glass of sherry and a carrot for Rudolph, on the fireplace for Santa to enjoy after leaving their presents under the Christmas tree.


4 oz margarine
8 oz flour
Pinch of salt
8-10 tsp water
18 tsp mincemeat
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp icing sugar


1. Place margarine, flour, and salt in a large bowl.  Cut margarine into smaller pieces and use the rubbing method: rub mixture between fingertips until crumbly with no large clumps.

2. Add 8 teaspoons water and form pastry into a ball (typically 1 teaspoon of water for every ounce of flour).
3. Sprinkle additional flour on counter top and rolling pin to prevent pastry from sticking.  Roll pastry until approximately 1/8 inch thick.
4. Use a circular cutter to cut 18 pie bases.  Place in a greased cupcake pan. 
5. Place 1 teaspoon mincemeat into each base.

6. Roll leftover pastry pieces together and again roll to 1/8 inch thick.  Use a smaller circular cutter to make the tops of the pies.  Press the base and top firmly together.
7. Poke 1 small hole in the middle of each pie.  With leftover pastry, use a holly shaped cutter to add decoration, if desired.
8. Brush beaten egg on each pie to aid in the cooking process.
9. Place in oven at 400F for approximately 20-25 minutes, or until pies are golden brown.
10. Allow pies to cool and sprinkle them with icing sugar for decoration.
11. Enjoy with a well deserved glass of sherry!

Yield: approx. 18 pies


- If pastry breaks and will not roll into a ball, add 10 teaspoons of water instead of 8.
- Although this mincemeat is the same brand used throughout UK, it is actually produced for the American market and is more syrupy and sweeter than traditional mincemeat.  I found this one at my local HyVee store.
- If desired, make one large mince pie instead of small, individual pies.

Bon appétit!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oreo Truffle Reindeer Noses

It is that time of year where baked goodies are given and received, and where for a few weeks we turn a blind eye to the calorific content of everything...that is until new year resolutions come into play.  Like my fellow co-workers, I like to bring home-made sweets for the office.  Not only is it simple and fun for me to make, but most importantly it is safe on a student's pocket book!

This year, I finally caved in and made everyone's favorite (including mine): the Oreo truffle.  My friends insisted on how easy these are to make and with merely three ingredients, I could not agree more!  That is, after I tackled a slight problem with the Oreos and the blender.  Despite this slight set back, they taste delicious and are a quick and easy gift for everyone on your Christmas list!


1 package Oreos
1 8oz bar cream cheese
Almond bark chocolate


1. Place Oreos in a large Zip-loc bag and smash with a rolling pin until they are fine crumbles.

2. Add cream cheese and mix well.  Although a little messy, it is much easier to mix with your fingertips.
3. Roll mixture into balls, approximately 3/4 - 1 inch in diameter.
4. Place balls on a baking sheet covered in parchment paper and refrigerate for 2 1/2 - 3 hours to harden.

5. Remove from fridge and melt almond bark chocolate in microwave according to manufacturer's directions (3 large squares will cover approximately 20-25 balls).
6. Using a fork, dip each ball into the chocolate, ensuring full and even coverage.  Place ball back on parchment paper to dry, using a toothpick to remove the fork from the ball.
7. Top the balls with sprinkles, crushed Oreos, or nuts to add variety.
8. Allow balls to dry for at least 1 hour.  Place in cellophane bags with a holiday label and enjoy!
(Recipe adapted from
Yields approx. 45 balls


- I was told to use a blender to crush the Oreos, however I found that they got stuck at the bottom and caused the processor to become hot.  Thus, the old fashioned bag and rolling pin works great!
- When smashing the Oreos, do not place all of the cookies in the Zip-loc bag at one time.  Instead, add 1/3 of the cookies to the bag at each time to ensure fine crumbles.
- Allow cream cheese to soften before trying to mix it with the Oreos by removing from fridge 1 hour prior to using.
- White or brown chocolate may be used.  I used mostly brown, however I made 15 Rudolph noses by adding 8 drops of red food coloring to the white chocolate.

Bon appétit!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Egg, Bacon, and Cheese Breakfast Ring

Looking for the perfect breakfast that will please the whole family?  Look no further!  This easy and delicious start to the day will be a great hit on Christmas morning with all ages!


1 can crescent rolls
5 eggs
1/4-1/2 cup cheese, shredded
6 slices bacon
Parchment paper


1. Cook bacon according to manufacturor's directions.
2. Scramble eggs.
3. On a pizza pan covered in parchment paper, lay the crescent rolls in a star formation.
4. Place cooked bacon in a circle around the center of the ring.
5. Place half of the scrambled eggs on top of the bacon, add half of the shredded cheese.
6. Add the remaining scrambled eggs and cheese.  Top with salt and pepper to taste.
7. Fold the pointed tips of the crescent rolls into the center, pressing all of the points and sides together with fingertips.
8. Bake at 375F for 15-20 minutes or until crescent rolls are slightly brown.

9. Enjoy with hashbrowns and a glass of orange juice (or mimosa)!!
(Recipe adapted from:

Serves 4-5 people


- Replace bacon with sausage meat or add hot sauce for an extra tang!

Bon appétit!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Thanksgiving: Cauliflower Soup & Cranberry-Almond Crumble

Happy belated Thanksgiving!  I hosted my very first Thanksgiving this year, and thankfully everything turned out perfectly!  I have decided not to post about the turkey and all the trimmings as everybody already knows how to cook their favorite delights, so I am going to share my appetizer and dessert recipes.  These are both incredible easy and of course delicious, and are sure to add a little variety to your next Thanksgiving, or even a casual family dinner.

Ingredients for cauliflower soup

1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 head cauliflower, cut into 1/2-1 inch florets
3 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup chopped almonds
Pinch of oregano


1. Heat EVOO in a large pot over medium heat.
2. Add onion and garlic and heat for 5 minutes, or until soft.
3. Add cauliflower, apple, and almonds, stirring constantly for 2 minutes.
4. Add broth and oregano, bringing mixture to a boil.
5. Cover pot and allow to simmer over low heat for 45 minutes.
6. Puree soup and serve with freshly ground pepper and a piece of artisan bread.
(Recipe adapted from

Serves 4 people


- I was a little skeptical about the cauliflower soup, but it is far tastier than one may think!
- The original recipe calls for leeks, however the grocery store did not have any at the time, so I substituted with an onion.

Ingredients for cranberry-almond crumble

6 oz flour
3 oz butter, room temperature
2 oz sugar, plus 1 tbsp extra
Pinch salt
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled and sliced
1 Honeycrisp apple, peeled and sliced
1 pear, peeled and sliced
6 oz fresh cranberries
1/4 cup chopped almonds
1-1 1/2 cups water


1. Place cranberries and water in small saucepan.  Cover saucepan and cook on medium heat for 5-10 minutes until soft and most of the water has evaporated.
2. Place flour in large bowl.  Cut butter into small pieces and add to flour.
3. Use the rubbing method: Rub mixture between fingertips until the mixture is crumbly with no large clumps.  Add sugar and salt, mix well.
4. Wash, peel, and slice apples and pear.  Lightly grease a 8x8 Pyrex dish, and evenly layer the fruit in the bottom.
5. Evenly place almonds and cranberries on top of the fruit.  Sprinkle 1 tbsp sugar on cranberries.
6. Top with crumble mixture and place in oven at 375F for 20 minutes, or until crumble is a light brown color.

7. Remove from oven and enjoy warm or cold with vanilla ice cream or plain yogurt.

Serves approx. 10 people


- In the first step, cranberries should only just be covered, they should not be swimming in the water.
- Additional sugar is sprinkled on the cranberries to offset their tartness.
- Leftovers store well in the fridge in a covered container.

Bon appétit!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Tilapia and Rice with Oven Roasted Vegetables and Baked Apples

It's getting colder, the leaves are changing colors, and Thanksgiving is upon us!  So I thought I should start by getting into the autumn mood for dinner.  Now, I am unsure if tilapia actually counts as an autumn food, but at least my dessert did!  Both dinner and dessert were fairly quick and easy, so dinner was ready in no time at all.

Ingredients for tilapia

2 fillets tilapia
4 oz brown rice
4 tsp extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
1 tsp cumin
2 tsp crumbled blue cheese
1 stick celery, sliced
1 carrot, sliced
1/2 bell pepper, sliced
1/4 onion, sliced
1/2 sweet potato, sliced
1/3 cup peanuts
Splash lemon juice


1. Cook brown rice according to manufacturer directions.
2. Wash and slice vegetables and place in roasting dish along with peanuts and 2 tsp EVOO.
3. Cook vegetables at 400F for 20-25 minutes.
4. 5 minutes before rice and vegetables are to be cooked, heat 2 tsp EVOO in pan.
5. Sprinkle cumin, salt, and pepper over tilapia.
6. Place tilapia in pan and cook for approximately 2 minutes or until opaque on both sides.  Splash a little lemon juice over fish halfway through cooking.
7. Divide rice and vegetables and top with fish.
8. Enjoy with a well deserved glass of wine!
(Recipe adapted from

Serves 2 people


- Use your favorite vegetables and herbs to season the tilapia. 

Ingredients for baked apples

2 apples, diced
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp brown sugar
Splash lemon juice


1. Wash and dice your favorite apples and place in pyrex dish. 
2. Add remaining ingredients to apples and toss well.
3. Place in oven at 375F for approximately 20-25 minutes until soft and juicy.
4. Enjoy this perfect autumn dessert alone, with ice cream, or with yogurt.
(Recipe adapted from
Serves 2 people


- PBS also suggested eating the apples as a side dish with roast beef.

Bon appétit!